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Authors Guidelines

Before you submit your manuscript it is very important to read and follow some instructions. The Authors are expected to submit original scholarly articles in the following format:
  • Language
  • Length of paper
  • Title
  • Author(s) with affiliations
  • Abstract
  • Keywords
  • Introduction
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Editor Guidelines

  • Editors do more thorough evaluations on manuscripts, and their decisions on a paper is crucial to the editorial process. The editors’ decisions on a paper for publication should be based majorly on the paper’s importance, originality, and clarity, and the study’s relevance to the subject area(s) of the journal.
  • Based on the research interest (or) subject, the editor will assign submitted manuscript to a reviewer for the peer review process
  • The Editor must evaluate manuscripts for their intellectual content without regard to the race, color, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political philosophy of the author(s).
  • The Editor should not disclose any information about a manuscript under consideration to anyone other than the author(s), reviewers, and potential reviewers.
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Reviewers Guidelines

Peer review is the standard method implemented towards analyzing the quality of a research paper. The quality of peer-review process and critical evaluation undertaken by the board members are the most influential factors towards determining the journals’ reputation and quality standard. Openventio strictly follows a blinded peer-review process to uphold the journals’ quality and credibility.
Ethical Issues:
  • The reviewer should give an honest and exact analysis of the research. The main role of the reviewers is to analyze the merits and the demerits and to provide necessary suggestions in order to increase the quality of the work.
  • The reviewer of paper should not review the manuscript that is co-authored by himself, or a member of his/her institution or to someone to whom he is related.
  • After receiving the paper for any further assistance or clarifications you need to contact only the editor and the confidentiality of the paper has to be maintained. You must never ask anyone to review a portion of paper without editor’s permission and also must never contact the author of the paper directly.
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